Sardayal guided tour
What do locals do, and what is there for our guests to see and experience?
Our village, Sardayal is situated on the border with Tatarstan. In its close neighbourhood there are three other villages: Udmurt, Tatar, and Russian. When you visit us we will be happy to get you acquainted with all of them.

10 things to do in Sardayal:
- • wake up in a haystack with the first roosters’ crow
- • make hay with the villagers
- • stuff your face with meadow and forest berries: currants, strawberries and wild strawberries, raspberries
- • become a shepherd and not loose any sheep
- • listen to Mari traditional songs in the community centre
- • gather rejuvenating blue clay in the ravines
- • taste fresh local honey
- • study medicinal herbs
- • take a steam-bath or ‘banya’
On top of that we’ll give you a tour around the ravines and springs. They say there are evil enchanting spirits in the ravines. One of the feminine spirits is called Ovda. Water from the springs restores life force. You can swim in them, also there are special places for rinsing linen. There are 7 sacred groves around the village. We advise against going there just for fun – the nature may become embittered. It’s a different story if you want to know more about our religion and prayers. In the winter there’s also a lot to do: it’s a hilly territory, so you can go downhill skiing, sledding and tubing. Take the equipment with you, and the kids will be happy to show you the best slopes. Every year on the 19th of May we have a Friendship of Peoples Bonfire. Apart from the Bonfire the pupils and teachers of our school and the one of a nearby Tatar village of Nusa hold a football tournament and a concert.